[Solved] Finding out character ‘a’ from a file then count the lines in which the character is appeared [duplicate]

You are allocing array of pointers wrong.

First you have to allocate enough space for row pointers

int** pptr = new int* [rows];

For every pointer enough space for col integers

for (int i = 0; i < cols; i++)
    pptr[i] = new int [cols];

To delete arrays use delete[] instead of delete.

Delete every individual row

for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
    delete [] pptr[i];

Then delte array of pointers

delete [] pptr;

There is no need to assigning NULL to deleted pointer since you wont use them again. Also in c++ you should use nullptr instead of NULL.

Here is the correct using of array of pointers.

Your mistakes

int* ptr = new int [rows];
int** pptr = new int* [cols];
  • Swapped rows & cols
  • Allocated memory only for first pointer/row, others were uninitialized -> UB
  • Used delete instead of delete[]

solved Finding out character ‘a’ from a file then count the lines in which the character is appeared [duplicate]