[Solved] Find the max in a list of numbers using the for/while loop

Better to use built-in function max in module builtins:

>>> data = [73284, 8784.3, 9480938.2, 984958.3, 24131, 45789, 734987, 23545.3, 894859.2, 842758.3]

>>> max(data)

Info Page:

max(iterable, *[, default=obj, key=func]) -> value
max(arg1, arg2, *args, *[, key=func]) -> value

With a single iterable argument, return its biggest item. The
default keyword-only argument specifies an object to return if
the provided iterable is empty.
With two or more arguments, return the largest argument.

Just for the sake of for loop, but its not desirable..

>>> max_value = 0
>>> data = [73284, 8784.3, 9480938.2, 984958.3, 24131, 45789, 734987, 23545.3, 894859.2, 842758.3]

Foor loop to achieve it by setting the max_value to zero and then evaluate, you need to use float as your list has floating values not an integers.

max_value = 0
data = [73284, 8784.3, 9480938.2, 984958.3, 24131, 45789, 734987, 23545.3, 894859.2, 842758.3]
for mx in data:
        if float(mx) > max_value: max_value = float(mx)
print("Highest Value From the List : " , (max_value))


$ ./max_val.py

Highest Value From the List :  9480938.2

solved Find the max in a list of numbers using the for/while loop