[Solved] Extract all numbers in brackets with Python [closed]


This article provides a solution to the problem of extracting all numbers in brackets with Python. It explains the steps needed to use the Python programming language to extract all numbers in brackets from a given string. It also provides a sample code snippet to demonstrate the solution. Finally, it provides a discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of the proposed solution.


#Using Regex
import re

string = “This is a (12) test (45) string (78)”

#Find all numbers in brackets
numbers = re.findall(r’\(([^)]+)\)’, string)

#Print the numbers

[’12’, ’45’, ’78’]

Regex can do that:

s = "asd[123]348dsdk[45]sdhj71[6789]sdfh"
import re
s_filter=" ".join(re.findall(r"\[(\d+)\]",s)))



123 45 6789

Pattern explained:

\[         \]   are the literal square brackets
    (\d+?)      as as few numbers inside them as capture group

re.findall finds them all and ' '.join(iterable)combines them back into a string.


solved Extract all numbers in brackets with Python [closed]

Python is a powerful programming language that can be used to extract all numbers in brackets. This can be done using regular expressions, which are a powerful tool for pattern matching. The following code will extract all numbers in brackets from a given string:

import re

# Input string
string = "This is a (1) test (2) string (3)"

# Extract all numbers in brackets
matches = re.findall(r"\(([0-9]+)\)", string)

# Print the matches

# Output: ['1', '2', '3']

The code above uses a regular expression to match any number of digits inside a pair of parentheses. The matches are then stored in a list, which can be used for further processing. This is a simple example of how regular expressions can be used to extract data from strings.