[Solved] escape

Mixing php / js can be a bit confusing because the quotes can intersect.

Notice that we’re using " and '. You might want to echo with " or with ' depending on what you need to accomplish. echoing with " in php allows you to use variables in the string, ie: echo "hello {$username}" the lamdas ({}) aren’t required, but many devs prefer them.

Here’s an incomplete example to get you started. You just echo it all at once and concatenate with . for strings in php.

$title = translate( 'Submission Hits', 'ipt_dolt' );
$date = translate( 'Date', 'ipt_dolt' );
echo '
<script type="text/javascript">

function drawLatestTen() {
    var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable( '. json_encode( $json ) .' );

    var ac = new google.visualization.ComboChart(document.getElementById('ipt_dolt_ten_stat'));
    ac.draw(data, {
        title : '<?php _e( 'Last 30 days form submission statistics', 'ipt_dolt' ); ?>',
        height : 300,
        vAxis : {title : "'. $tite .'"},
        hAxis : {title : "'.$date.'"}, // notice two quotes, double to denote a string in js and singles to break/concatenate the php output. (that's where things get tricky.)
        seriesType : 'bars',
        series : { '. (count( $json[0] ) - 2) .' : {type : 'line'}},
        legend : {position : 'top'},
        tooltip : {isHTML : true}
</script>'; ?>

Edit: Special thanks to @wh1t3h4ck5 & @jh1711 for helping me tweak this.


solved escape