[Solved] Errors while creating a dynamic array in a vector class for project [closed]

push_back() and insert() both call grow(), which fails to increase the capacity because GROWER is an int, so 1.6 truncates to 1, and multiplying capacity * 1 doesn’t change its value. But even if capacity were increased properly, the data_ptr array is not being re-allocated at all to fit the new capacity.

But even if grow() were working properly, there is no need to call grow() on every insertion of a new element, that defeats the purpose of separating n_elems from capacity to begin with. You should grow the array only when n_elems has reached capacity.

There are many other problems with your class, as well:

  • operator= is not testing for self-assignment, and is leaking the allocated memory of the old array. Consider using the copy-swap idiom instead.

  • front() does not reach the throw statement when the array is empty.

  • at() and erase() are performing bounds checking using capacity instead of n_elems.

  • push_back() is inserting the new value at the wrong index, and not incrementing n_elems.

  • pop_back() does not throw an error when the array is empty, causing n_elems to decrement below 0, which wraps around to the max positive value of size_t because size_t is unsigned.

  • erase() and operator== go out of bounds while iterating the array.

  • begin() and end() should not be returning nullptr for an empty array. And end() is returning a pointer to the last element in a non-empty array rather than returning a pointer to 1 past the last element.

  • operator== and operator!= do not perform any bounds checking to make sure the 2 vectors have the same same n_elems before iterating their arrays. And they are comparing element values beyond n_elems. Also, operator!= is returning the wrong result.

With that said, try something more like this:

#include <stdexcept>
#include <algorithm>
#include "Vector.h"

void Vector::grow()
    static const float GROWER = 1.6f;
    size_t new_capacity = capacity * GROWER;
    if (new_capacity <= capacity)
        throw std::overflow_error("cant grow capacity");
    int *new_data_ptr = new int[new_capacity];
    std::copy(data_ptr, data_ptr + n_elems, new_data_ptr);
    delete[] data_ptr;
    data_ptr = new_data_ptr;
    capacity = new_capacity;

    capacity = CHUNK;
    n_elems = 0;
    data_ptr = new int[capacity];

Vector::Vector(const Vector& v)
    capacity = v.capacity;
    n_elems = v.n_elems;
    data_ptr = new int[capacity];
    std::copy(v.begin(), v.end(), data_ptr);

Vector& Vector::operator=(const Vector& v)
    if (this != &v)
        Vector temp(v);
        std::swap(capacity, temp.capacity);
        std::swap(n_elems, temp.n_elems);
        std::swap(data_ptr, temp.data_ptr);
    return *this;

    delete[] data_ptr;

int Vector::front() const
    if (n_elems == 0)
        throw std::range_error("Range Error");
    return data_ptr[0];

int Vector::back() const
    if (n_elems == 0)
        throw std::range_error("Range Error");
    return data_ptr[n_elems - 1];

int Vector::at(size_t pos) const
    if (pos >= n_elems)
        throw std::range_error("Range Error");
    return data_ptr[pos];

size_t Vector::size() const
    return n_elems;

bool Vector::empty() const
    return (n_elems == 0);

int& Vector::operator[](size_t pos)
    return data_ptr[pos];

void Vector::push_back(int item)
    if (n_elems == capacity)
    data_ptr[n_elems] = item;

void Vector::pop_back()
    if (n_elems == 0)
        throw std::range_error("Range Error");

void Vector::erase(size_t pos)
    if (pos >= n_elems)
        throw std::range_error("Range Error");
    std::copy(data_ptr + pos + 1, data_ptr + n_elems, data_ptr + pos);

void Vector::insert(size_t pos, int item)
    if (pos > n_elems) // insert at end() is OK...
        throw range_error("Range Error");
    if (n_elems == capacity)
    std::copy_backward(data_ptr + pos, data_ptr + n_elems, data_ptr + n_elems + 1);
    data_ptr[pos] = item;

void Vector::clear()
    n_elems = 0;

int* Vector::begin()
    return data_ptr;

int* Vector::end()
    return data_ptr + n_elems;

bool Vector::operator==(const Vector& v) const
    return (n_elems == v.n_elems) && std::equal(v.begin(), v.end(), data_ptr);

bool Vector::operator!=(const Vector& v) const
    return !(*this == v);


solved Errors while creating a dynamic array in a vector class for project [closed]