[Solved] EndView game on gnu Prolog [closed]

you must get transpose/2 from the other question and replace all_distinct/1 with fd_all_distinct/2.

Also, get writeln and replace write here maplist(write, [R1,R2,R3,R4]).

edit A simple solution would be to extend the ‘encoding’ of the finite domain, reserving two digits as blanks, instead of just the 0, and extending the logic already seen in answer posted to the other question.

For analogy I’ll call third_end_view, and would be (in Gnu Prolog)

/*  File:    third_end_view_puzzle.pl
    Author:  Carlo,,,
    Created: Oct  10 2012
    Purpose: help to solve extended Second End View puzzle

:- include(transpose) .

third_end_view_puzzle :-

    length(Rows, 8),
    maplist(gen_row(8), Rows),
    transpose(Rows, Cols),

    maplist(fd_all_different, Rows),
    maplist(fd_all_different, Cols),

    Rows = [R1,R2,R3,R4,R5,R6,R7,R8],
    Cols = [C1,C2,C3,C4,C5,C6,C7,C8],

    start(R1, 4),
    start(R2, 2),
    start(R3, 3),
    start(R4, 5),
    start(R5, 3),
    finish(R1, 6),
    finish(R2, 4),
    finish(R3, 2),
    finish(R5, 1),
    finish(R7, 2),

    start(C2, 3),
    start(C3, 4),
    start(C4, 3),
    start(C5, 5),
%   start(C6, 4),
    start(C7, 1),
%   finish(C1, 3),
%   finish(C2, 2),
    finish(C3, 5),
    finish(C4, 5),
    finish(C5, 6),
    finish(C6, 1),
    finish(C7, 4),

    maplist(fd_labeling, Rows),
    maplist(out_row, Rows).

gen_row(N, Ls) :-
    length(Ls, N),
    fd_domain(Ls, 1, N).

out_row([]) :- nl.
out_row([H|T]) :-
    (H >= 7 -> write('-') ; write(H)),
    write(' '),

% constraint: Num is max third in that direction
start(Vars, Num) :-
    Vars = [A,B,C|_],
    A #= Num #\/ (A #>= 7 #/\ B #= Num) #\/ (A #>= 7 #/\ B #>= 7 #/\ C #= Num).

finish(Var, Num) :-
    reverse(Var, Rev), start(Rev, Num).

I have used a simpler condition, without reification, to state the ‘third view from direction’.

As previously, you see that some constraint (those commented out) make the puzzle unsolvable.


| ?- third_end_view_puzzle.  

4 3 - - 5 2 1 6 
2 1 - 3 - 5 6 4 
3 5 4 1 - 6 2 - 
5 4 6 2 1 3 - - 
- - 3 6 2 4 5 1 
1 6 2 4 3 - - 5 
6 - 1 5 4 - 3 2 
- 2 5 - 6 1 4 3 

true ? 


solved EndView game on gnu Prolog [closed]