[Solved] embled if condition in html code and continue with previous div

Your data inside the condition block is not added to anything.

You must concatenate to the variable.

$custom_column = '<div class="display: table-cell">';
if(Auth::user()->role_id !== 3){
    $custom_column .= '<div class="checkInfo green">
                           <label class="chkcontainer">
                               <input id="internalCheck'. $entery->id . '" onchange="internalOkFunction(this,' . $entery->id . ');return false;" type="checkbox" ' . $kycinternalok . ' >
                               <input id="hiddenId" type="hidden" value="'.$entery->id.'">
                               <span class="checkmark"></span>


solved embled if condition in html code and continue with previous div