[Solved] Does this class violate SOLID’s single responsibility principle? [closed]

As your class above has atleast two responsibilities i.e. creating a database connection and performing CRUD operations on the entities, so I think it violates the SOLID’s single responsibility principle.

You might create a seperate class to deal with the Database connection and register it as a dependency (through an interface) to the Database class that performs the CRUD operations. Here’s how it would look like:

//Pseudo code
interface IDatabaseConnection:
  def create_connection(url):

class SqlDatabaseConnection implements IDatabaseConnection:
  def create_connection(url):

class DatabaseService:
  private IDatabaseConnection _dbConnection;
  constructor(IDatabaseConnection dbConnection):
    self._dbConnection = dbConnection
  def select(self):
    //use the dbConnection here to create a connection
    //perform your select operation
  def insert(self):
    //use the dbConnection here to create a connection
    //perform your insert operation
  def update(self):
  def delete(self):

Here’s how we will use it.

DatabaseService service = new DatabaseService(
  new SqlDatabaseConnection(dbConnectionString)

That also allows you use other SOLID priciples for the database connection.

Tip: If I would have hundereds of select operations, I might create seperate classes for CRUD operations something like below:

class SelectEntityDatabaseService implements ISelectEntityDatabaseService {...}
class CreateEntityDatabaseService implements ICreateEntityDatabaseService {...}
class UpdateEntityDatabaseService implements IUpdateEntityDatabaseService {...}

solved Does this class violate SOLID’s single responsibility principle? [closed]