[Solved] Delete duplicate entries in a column in excel 2003 vba

This should be rather simple. You need to create 1 cell somewhere in your file that you will write the cell count for column Y each week after removing all dupes.

For example, say week1 you remove dupes and you are left with a range of Y1:Y100. Your function will put “100” somewhere in your file to reference.

Next week, your function will start looking from dupes from (cell with ref number) + 1, so Y:101 to end of column. After removing dupes, the function changes the ref cell to the new count.

Here is the code:

Sub RemoveNewDupes()

'Initialize for first time running this
If Len(Range("A1").Value) = 0 Then
    Range("A1").Value = Range("Y" & Rows.count).End(xlUp).row
End If

If Range("A1").Value = 1 Then Range("A1").Value = 0

'Goodbye dupes!
ActiveSheet.Range("Y" & Range("A1").Value + 1 & ":Y" & _
Range("Y" & Rows.count).End(xlUp).row).RemoveDuplicates Columns:=1, Header:=xlNo

'Re-initialize the count for next time
Range("A1").Value = Range("Y" & Rows.count).End(xlUp).row

End Sub

*sorry no idea why auto-syntax highlighting makes this hard to read


Here is a way to do it in Excel 2003. The trick is to loop backwards through the column so that the loop isn’t destroyed when you delete a row. I use a dictionary (which I’m famous for over-using) since it allows you to check easily for dupes.

Sub RemoveNewDupes()

Dim lastRow As Long
Dim dict As Object
Set dict = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")

If Len(Range("A1").Value) = 0 Then
    Range("A1").Value = 1
End If

lastRow = Range("Y" & Rows.count).End(xlUp).row

On Error Resume Next
For i = lastRow To Range("A1").Value Step -1
    If dict.exists(Range("Y" & i).Value) = True Then
        Range("Y" & i).EntireRow.Delete
    End If
    dict.Add Range("Y" & i).Value, 1

Range("A1").Value = Range("Y" & Rows.count).End(xlUp).row

End Sub


solved Delete duplicate entries in a column in excel 2003 vba