Based on the description you’ve given, follow my suggestion.
Please, give us your feedback.
Private Function AmazingFunction(inputArray As Variant)
Dim size As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim tmp As Variant
Dim newArray() As Variant
size = UBound(inputArray) ' Array size
ReDim newArray(size) ' Resizes another array to the same size
For i = 0 To size ' For each value
tmp = CreateArray(length:=0) ' Allows you to dynamically create arrays
' In this case, an array of only one element is created.
tmp(0) = inputArray(i) ' Sets the value of the first array element
newArray(i) = tmp
AmazingFunction = newArray
End Function
Auxiliary function to create arrays dynamically:
Private Function CreateArray(length As Long)
Dim arr() As Variant
ReDim arr(length)
CreateArray = arr
End Function
Here is an example of how to use the function:
Private Sub UseTest()
Dim outArray As Variant
Dim intArray As Variant
Dim element As Variant
Dim inputArray(2) As Variant
inputArray(0) = "a"
inputArray(1) = "b"
inputArray(2) = "c"
outArray = AmazingFunction(inputArray)
For Each intArray In outArray
For Each element In intArray
Debug.Print element
End Sub
solved Defining and adding values to arrays inside an array in VBA Excel