How about using the basic base 10 to any base conversion, modified for custom digits:
func numberToCustomRadix(_ number: Int, alphabet: String) -> String {
let base = alphabet.count
var number = number
var result = ""
repeat {
let idx = alphabet.index(alphabet.startIndex, offsetBy: number % base)
result = [alphabet[idx]] + result
number /= base
} while number > 0
return result
numberToCustomRadix(3, alphabet: "012") // 10
numberToCustomRadix(4, alphabet: "abc") // bb
numberToCustomRadix(5, alphabet: "%#9") // #9
Note that the problem with a custom alphabet is the fact that it’s hard to guarantee at compile time that the alphabet contains distinct characters. E.g. an “aaabbbccc” alphabet will generate all kind of conversion problems.
solved Custom radix columns (+special characters) [closed]