[Solved] Custom html table [closed]

Here’s a start for you.

Change your onclick attributes to use .call(). This just lets you set the value of this in the functions you’re calling to the value of the first argument you pass to .call(). (In this case, the element that received the event.)

<input type="button" name="Up1" value="Up" onclick="moveUp.call(this);"> Item 1
<input type="button" name="Down1" value="Down" onclick="moveDown.call(this);">

Then these functions should give a basic idea of how it could work. Probably could use some tweaks like making it so that you can’t add more rows than there are cells you’re sorting.

var table = document.getElementById( 'mytable' );
var filler = document.createElement( 'td' );
filler.innerHTML = '*';
function moveUp() {
    var cell = this.parentNode.parentNode;
    var row = cell.parentNode;
    var row_above;
    if( row.rowIndex === 1 ) {
        row_above = table.insertRow( 1 );
        row_above.insertCell( 0 );
    } else {
        row_above = table.rows[ row.rowIndex - 1 ];
    if( row_above.cells[ 1 ] && row_above.cells[ 1 ].className === 'filler' ) {
        row_above.removeChild( row_above.cells[ 1 ] );
    row_above.appendChild( cell );
    if( row.cells.length === 1 ) {
        if( row.rowIndex < table.rows.length - 1 ) {
            row.appendChild( filler.cloneNode( true ) );
        } else {
            table.deleteRow( table.rows.length - 1 );
function moveDown() {
    var cell = this.parentNode.parentNode;
    var row = cell.parentNode;
    var row_below;
    if( row.rowIndex === table.rows.length - 1 ) {
        row_below = table.insertRow( table.rows.length );
        row_below.insertCell( 0 );
    } else {
        row_below = table.rows[ row.rowIndex + 1 ];
    if( row_below.cells[ 1 ] && row_below.cells[ 1 ].className === 'filler' ) {
        row_below.removeChild( row_below.cells[ 1 ] );
    row_below.appendChild( cell );
    if( row.cells.length === 1 ) {
        if( row.rowIndex > 1 ) {
            row.appendChild( filler.cloneNode( true ) );
        } else {
            table.deleteRow( 1 );
function update_row_numbers() {
    for( var i = 1; i < table.rows.length; i++ ) {
        table.rows[i].cells[0].innerHTML = i;

Live example: http://jsfiddle.net/v9ujy/3/

EDIT: Updated to prevent rows with the star from being at the beginning and end of the sorted rows.


solved Custom html table [closed]