[Solved] Creating page layout [closed]

Responsive designs are not that easy that someone could just give you a boilerplate code.

You need to define the problem you are facing:

You have a webpage with a fixed markup, and you want only it’s layout to change by javascript?

What is your markup, what is your css by default?

How many parts of the page should be “moving around”? Which goes where in which case?

For example: It’s a little hard to order the same markup to layout 6 and 7 (on the linked image), as in layout 6 there are 2 parts of the page and in layout 7 there are 5.

Tell us what you have done before:

Do you have any design yet? Are you just researching in the subject and yet to find good examples? Are you having trouble with your project?

I have the impression that you do not really know what you want and what options do you have.

So I advise you to read this about responsive design. What it is and how it is done.

For example this is a good starting point: http://www.alistapart.com/articles/responsive-web-design/


solved Creating page layout [closed]