[Solved] creating data frame using for loop for string data in R

I would suggest using the function expand.grid which will automatically generate all the combinations.

Also in your code unique(planningItems["Subject"]), it will return a data frame which is actually not a good idea for this case. A vector would be better.

Here is my code:

uniquesubject = unique(dfSubClass$Subject)
uniqueclass = unique(dfSubClass$Class)

If using for loops, the main issue in your code is about the rbind function. Here is my code:

uniquesubject = unique(dfSubClass$Subject)
uniqueclass = unique(dfSubClass$Class)
newDF = data.frame()
for (Subject in 1:length(uniquesubject)){
    for (Class in 1:length(uniqueclass)){

I think the main different to your code is that I created a dataframe inside the rbind() instead of creating a vector using c(). This is to make sure the result is in dataframe structure instead of a matrix.


solved creating data frame using for loop for string data in R