[Solved] Creating a list with elements other lists (same struct)

Nested* Nested_create(List list) {
    Nested* new = malloc(sizeof(Nested));
    new->list = list;
    new->next = NULL;
    return new;

void Nested_add(Nested** proot, Nested* node) {
    if (*proot == NULL) {
        *proot = node;
    } else {
        Nested* cur = *proot;
        while (cur->next)
            cur = cur->next;
        cur->next = node;

void createlistoflists(Nested **LIST, List list1, List list2, List list3) {
    Nested_add(LIST, Nested_create(list1));
    Nested_add(LIST, Nested_create(list2));
    Nested_add(LIST, Nested_create(list3));

In a single function:

void createlistoflists(Nested **LIST, List list1, List list2, List list3) {
    List lists[] = {list1, list2, list3};
    for (List* it = lists; it < lists + 3; ++it) {
        Nested* node = malloc(sizeof(Nested));
        node->list = *it;
        node->next = NULL;
        *LIST = node;
        LIST = &(*LIST)->next;


solved Creating a list with elements other lists (same struct)