[Solved] create random questions using a txt file

Try storing your data in a standard structured format such as JSON. A library for parsing JSON is included with Python.

Create a file called questions.json containing:

  "What are your plans for today?": {
    "answers": ["nothing", "something", "do not know"],
    "correct_answer": 2
  "how are you?": {
    "answers": ["well", "badly", "do not know"],
    "correct_answer": 1

Then you can parse it and ask the user a random question like this:

import json
import random

# read data from JSON file
questions = json.load(open("questions.json"))

# pick a random question
question = random.choice(questions.keys())

# get the list of possible answers and correct answer for this question
answers = questions[question]['answers']
correct_answer = questions[question]['correct_answer']

# display question and list of possible answers    
print question
for n, answer in enumerate(answers):
    print "%d) %s" % (n + 1, answer)

# ask user for answer and check if it's the correct answer for this question
resp = raw_input('answer: ')
if resp == str(correct_answer):
    print "correct!"
    print "sorry, the correct answer was %s" % correct_answer

Example output:

What are your plans for today?
1) nothing
2) something
3) do not know
answer: 3
sorry, the correct answer was 2


solved create random questions using a txt file