while I’m pretty sure this is a homework assignment and well, you really should provide code of your own, at least try to, I found the thing amusing so I went ahead and gave it a try. I guess I’ll be downvoted for his and I probably do deserve it, but here goes anyway.
What you need to do is:
- loop through your array,
- determine the elements that give you 32 and then store that result in the final array.
- subtract the value of the last element from your result from the corresponding element of your working array
- shrink your array next by deleting the first elements until the very first element of the array you’re still working with equals the last element your last result returned.
- if your last result < 32, quit.
With this in mind, please try to find a solution yourself first and don’t just copy-paste the code? 🙂
$x = array('A'=>31, 'B'=>12, 'C'=>13, 'D'=>25, 'E'=>18, 'F'=>10);
$result = array();
function calc($toWalk){
// walk through the array until we have gathered enough for 32, return result as an array
$result = array();
foreach($toWalk as $key => $value){
$count = array_sum($result);
if($count >= 32){
// if we have more than 32, subtract the overage from the last array element
$last = array_pop(array_keys($result));
$result[$last] -= ($count - 32);
return $result;
$result[$key] = $value;
return $result;
// logic match first element
// loop for as long as we have an array
while(count($x) > 0){
we make sure that the first element matches the last element of the previously found array
so that if the last one went from A -> C we start at C and not at B
$keys = array_keys($x);
if($last == $keys[0]){
// get the sub-array
$partial = calc($x);
// determine the last key used, it's our new starting point
$last = array_pop(array_keys($partial));
$result[] = $partial;
//subtract last (partial) value used from corresponding key in working array
$x[$last] -= $partial[$last];
if(array_sum($partial) < 32) break;
reduce the array in size by 1, dropping the first element
should our resulting first element not match the previously returned
$last element then the logic will jump to this place again and
just cut off another element
$x = array_slice($x , 1 );
solved create another multi dimensional array from an array