[Solved] Cpp program not working as expected [closed]

You are setting all of your valuables to 0 at the beginning. Try:

int radius:

at the beginning, this will create your variable but not give it a value, then after cin >> radius; you can do basically what you had before:

cin >> radius;
auto area   = radius*radius * 3.14;
auto amount = area * price;

Or you could just get rid of the area variable and just do:

cin >> radius;
auto amount = radius*radius * 3.14 * price;

Note also that the area of a circle is pi*r*r, not pi*r. Moreover, you shouldn’t to the computation using ints. In above code auto will automatically be a floating-point number (double in this case, since 3.14 is a double literal).


solved Cpp program not working as expected [closed]