[Solved] Converting Pseudo Code To Python [closed]

You should try to code something before posing on Stack Overflow. This will work but won’t catch any error conditions.

options = [
    {'vehicle': 'Car', 'destination': 'Ghana', 'coeff': 0.3},
    {'vehicle': 'Van', 'destination': 'Nigeria', 'coeff': 0.2},
    {'vehicle': 'Truck', 'destination': 'Togo', 'coeff': 0.33},
    {'vehicle': 'Van', 'destination': 'Kenya', 'coeff': 0.17},
    {'vehicle': 'Truck', 'destination': 'Somalia', 'coeff': 0.31},
while True:
    print("Vehicle Shipping Rates to Africa")
    for i, opt in enumerate(options):
        print("%i. %s to %s" % (i+1, opt['vehicle'], opt['destination']))
    option = options[int(raw_input("Enter the choice:"))]
    value = float(raw_input("Enter the car price:"))
    cost = value / option['coeff']
    print("It would cost $%s to ship a %s that cost $%s to %s." % (cost, option['vehicle'], value, option['destination']))
    print("Vehicle price you entered: %s" % value)
    print("Shipping cost: %s" % cost)
    again = raw_input("Would you like to choose another selection, Y=Yes or N=No.")
    if again.lower() == 'n':
print("Thank you our application.")


solved Converting Pseudo Code To Python [closed]