[Solved] complex json to java object conversion using gson

You need a class structure like this (pseudo-code):

class Response
  String id
  DataList posts

class DataList
  List<Data> data

class Data
  String message
  From from
  String id
  String created_time
  DataList comments

class From
  String name
  String id

Note that you can change class names if you want, but you have to keep the attribute names to match the field names in the JSON response.

Also note that I’ve used the same class Data to store the data for the posts and for the comments. This is possible because the data for comments is a subset of the data for posts, so when parsing a comment, Gson will just ignore the attributes created_time and comments

Then parse the JSON with:

Gson gson = new Gson();
Response response = gson.fromJson(yourJsonString, Response.class);

Now you can get the i post with:

String postMessage = response.getPosts().getData().get(i).getMessage();

And in the same way you can get its comments with:

String commentMessage = response.getPosts().getData().get(i).getComments().getData().get(i).getMessage();

NOTE: Using an Online JSON Viewer will help you to clearly see the class structure you need to wrap your JSON data!


solved complex json to java object conversion using gson