If you get stuck here’s a solution
import math
baseInt = 2020 #This is the int you want to find within the other int
randomInt = 1012020 #This is the int you're going to count up to
def checkBaseInt(baseInt, theIteratorInt):
theNumString = str(theIteratorInt) #Converting to strings to find the substring
baseIntString = str(baseInt)
if(theNumString.find(baseIntString) == 0): #Found the substring of the baseInt into the randomint which is the iterator
return theNumString #Return the iterator which includes the baseInt
for i in range(baseInt, randomInt): #From your base int up to your final int
if (checkBaseInt(baseInt, i) != None): #If it found the desired integer within your final integer
print(checkBaseInt(baseInt, i)) #Print the iterating integer which includes 2020, or your baseInt
solved Competition Problem: Finding numbers containing “2020” from 1 to N which is a multiple of 2020 faster than O(N/2020) [closed]