[Solved] Change database value [closed]

you can use xmlhttprequest, and the javascript :

var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); // Create new XHR
var url="http://sample.com/change.php"; // The url
var data="data=sample&back=come";
xhr.open('POST', url, true); // POST is method you can with `POST|GET`

or it can be simplifer with jquery

var url="http://sample.com/change.php"; // The url
var data="data=sample&back=come";

and sure bind it on your image:

    var url="http://sample.com/change.php"; // The url
    var data="data=sample&back=come";

then the php file:

$post_data = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['data']);
$post_back = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['back']);
$query = mysql_query("UPDATE table SET data="".$post_data."" WHERE `back` = '".$post_back."'"); // This is a query, change it with yours
if($query){echo'Success';} //Print a success message

Finish, good luck


solved Change database value [closed]