As I understand you are looking for a paging/scrolling using buttons (in addition to the normal scrollbar scrolling) to scroll through grid lines.
The FIXGRID has some server-side API which allows access/update to the scrolling:
FIXGRIDBinding.getSbvalue() ==> current scroll position
FIXGRIDBinding.getSbvisibleamount() ==> number of lines currently displayed
FIXGRIDBinding.getSbmax() ==> max scroll position
FIXGRIDBinding.setSbvalue() ==> set/update scroll position
So you can build your paging (e.g. dynamic arrangement of buttons/links/…) using this API.
PS: We take your idea and may add some addon-page-bean-component doing this. But: you can easily implement on your own – do not wait for us! 😉
solved Captaincasa grid paging [closed]