[Solved] Cant find where I did not close my bracket. Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected end of input

Took me little long to debug your code but I think I found where the problem is. Actually, the problem isn’t with the code that you have shown us. The problem is somewhere else. You have missed to close two function. Look at the code below:

$(document).ready(function () {
            iframe: true,
            width: "500px",
            height: "310px"
            iframe: true,
            width: "600px",
            height: "420px"
            iframe: true,
            width: "450px",
            height: "300px"
            iframe: true,
            width: "500px",
            height: "300px"
        var posicao = $(".menu ul li a.active").parents().position().left + ($(".menu ul li a.active").parents().width() / 2) - 10;
            left: posicao
        $(".menu ul li a").click(function (e) {
                var _this = $(this);
                var posicao = _this.parents().position().left + (_this.parents().width() / 2) - 10;
                    'left': posicao
                }, 'slow');
                $(".menu ul li a").removeClass('active');
                var dataSlider = _this.attr('data-slide-index');
                var conteudoLi = $("#li_" + dataSlider).html();
                novoLeft = dataSlider * 964 * -1;
                if ($("#li_" + dataSlider).attr('data-height')) {
                    novoHeight = $("#li_" + dataSlider).attr('data-height');
                } else {
                    novoHeight = $("#li_" + dataSlider).outerHeight();
                    left: novoLeft
                }, 'slow', 'swing');
                    height: novoHeight
                }, 'slow');

So, if you add two more lines after that code, your problem will be fixed.

     }); //For $("menu ul li a").click(function) {
}); // For $(document).ready(function) {

solved Cant find where I did not close my bracket. Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected end of input