[Solved] Can someone tell me whats wrong with my code and try to explain it? [closed]

Possible fix:

#include <stdio.h>

int main (void) /* it is better to add void */

    int counter = 0;
    int sum = 0; /* no average is here */
    int grade = 0;
    int check;

    for(;;) /* make it to an infinite loop, break later */

        /* put this block inside the loop */
        printf("Introduce grade:");
        check = scanf("%d",&grade); /* don't assign scanf's return variable to grade, which deletes the grade read */
        if (check != 1) /* check if a integer was read */
            puts("Invalid input. Panik!");
            return 1;
        if (grade <= 0) /* !(grade > 0) */

        if (grade <0 || grade >100) /* && -> || */
            printf("Invalid number");
            sum += grade;
            counter++; /* made to be done only if grade>=0 && grade<=100 */

    printf("average = %lf", (double)sum/counter); /* add cast to double */

    return 0; /* it may be better to add return 0; */


solved Can someone tell me whats wrong with my code and try to explain it? [closed]