[Solved] C# Regular expression: how to get one of two texts with condition?

You can capture each value and use the MatchEvaluator to process the groups.

string inputString = "[sex:he|she] took the dog with [sex:him|her]";
string result = Regex.Replace(inputString, @"\[(?<name>[^:]+):(?<value1>[^\|]+)\|(?<value2>[^\]]+)\]", Evaluator);

And the evaluator could replace any group with the appropriate response:

private string Evaluator(Match match)
    if (match.Groups["name"].Value == "sex")
        if (m_IsMale)
            return match.Groups["value1"].Value;
            return match.Groups["value2"].Value;
    // No replacement, return the original value.
    return match.Value;

The above results in either

he took the dog with him


she took the dog with her


solved C# Regular expression: how to get one of two texts with condition?