[Solved] C++ How to make a vector with a class type pointer

It seems that you want to change the database type, from:

std::vector <Employee> *EmployeeDB;

this is a pointer to a vector, holding Employee instances. This means that the vector contains copies of employees, probably not what you want.


std::vector <Employee*> EmployeeDB;

This is a vector instance, holding pointers to Employees.

You also should take care of ownership of the Employees. One solution could be handle it with new and delete, but the preferred one is using smart pointers:

std::vector <std::unique_ptr<Employee> > EmployeeDB;

Edit: In class definitions, the space mark does not matter when defining pointer objects.

Your two examples are the same: Character* party[3] and Character *party[3] mean exactly the same.

What is really important, is where the pointer mark is in templated classes definitions (inside or outside the <> sign in the std::vector<> specialization).

So, it is not the same having a [(vector) (of pointers)] (vector <Employee*>), than having a [(pointer to a vector) (of instances)] (vector <Employee>*).


solved C++ How to make a vector with a class type pointer