[Solved] C: How to increment after entering an if statement

The problem is because you call that function in a while, and because of

for(counter = 1; counter < 51; counter++)

the counter will become again 51 (everytime the function is called) and then will enter again in that if (counter == 51).
To resolve that you could declare a global variable int ok = 0; and use it like this:

void imu_raw_handler (const lcm_recv_buf_t *rbuf, const char *channel,
               const imu_raw_t *msg, void *userdata) {
    for(counter = 1; counter < 51; counter++)
        gyro_roll = (gyro_roll + gyro_roll_old*(counter-1))/counter;
        gyro_pitch = (gyro_pitch + gyro_pitch_old*(counter-1))/counter;
        gyro_yaw = (gyro_yaw + gyro_yaw_old*(counter-1))/counter;
        accel_x = (accel_x + accel_x_old*(counter-1))/counter;
        accel_y = (accel_y + accel_y_old*(counter-1))/counter;
        accel_z = (accel_z + accel_z_old*(counter-1))/counter;

    if (ok == 0){ //will enter here once, only if you don't modify the ok anytime
    // set zero points
        axo = accel_x;
        ayo = accel_y;
        azo = accel_z;
        gro = gyro_roll;
        gpo = gyro_pitch;
        gyo = gyro_yaw;
        printf("Ready for Takeoff\n");
        ok = 1; //this will be done once

I hope this is correct.


solved C: How to increment after entering an if statement