[Solved] c# foreach loop formatting

Hmmm, I haven’t tested it. I hope it helps you. I would do it using two foreach inside the main while

SearchResultSet results = session.Search(searchRequest);
 IEnumerable columns = results.GetColumns();
 bool printColumns = true;
        while (results.HasNext())
                foreach (string column in columns)
                    Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0}|", column)); //Will print Unique_ID|Address|etc...
            printColumns = false;
            foreach (string column in columns)
                Console.Write(String.Format("{0}|", results.GetString(column))); //Will print 234556|555 JOHN STREET|Orlando|FL|32751


The previous code keeps a pipe at the end of the strings. If you don’t want this, you should use a String variable, concatenate the result, and after each foreach, you simply do a susbtr to remove the ending pipe.


solved c# foreach loop formatting