[Solved] c# finding different words in two texts [closed]


Comparing two texts for differences can be a difficult task, especially when the texts are long and complex. Fortunately, C# provides a number of tools and techniques that can be used to quickly and accurately identify differences between two texts. In this article, we will discuss how to use C# to find different words in two texts. We will look at various methods for comparing texts, including using regular expressions, string comparison methods, and LINQ. We will also discuss how to use these methods to identify differences between two texts. Finally, we will provide some examples of how to use C# to find different words in two texts.


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace FindDifferentWords
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string text1 = “This is a sample text”;
string text2 = “This is another sample text”;

// Split the strings into words
string[] words1 = text1.Split(‘ ‘);
string[] words2 = text2.Split(‘ ‘);

// Create a list to store the different words
List differentWords = new List();

// Loop through the words in the first text
foreach (string word1 in words1)
// Check if the word is in the second text
bool found = false;
foreach (string word2 in words2)
if (word1 == word2)
found = true;

// If the word was not found, add it to the list
if (!found)

// Loop through the words in the second text
foreach (string word2 in words2)
// Check if the word is in the first text
bool found = false;
foreach (string word1 in words1)
if (word2 == word1)
found = true;

// If the word was not found, add it to the list
if (!found)

// Print out the different words
Console.WriteLine(“Different words:”);
foreach (string word in differentWords)

string text1 = "hello, world apple,pineapple,cabbage,apple";
string text2 = "hello, world,pineapple";

string pattern = @"\p{L}+";

var list1 = Regex.Matches(text1, pattern).Cast<Match>().Select(x => x.Value);
var list2 = Regex.Matches(text2, pattern).Cast<Match>().Select(x => x.Value);

var result =   list1.Where(x => !list2.Contains(x))
                .GroupBy(x => x)
                .Select(x =>new
                    Word = x.Key,
                    Count= x.Count()

This will return

Word = apple,   Count = 2
Word = cabbage, Count = 1

Of course there is room for some performance improvements but it’ll leave them out for clarity…

solved c# finding different words in two texts [closed]

Finding different words in two texts can be a tricky task, but it is possible with the help of C#. The first step is to create two string variables, one for each text. Then, you can use the Split() method to split the strings into an array of words. After that, you can use a foreach loop to iterate through each array and compare the words. If the words are different, you can add them to a new array. Finally, you can use the ToArray() method to convert the new array into a string.

Here is an example of how this can be done:

string text1 = "This is the first text";
string text2 = "This is the second text";

string[] words1 = text1.Split(' ');
string[] words2 = text2.Split(' ');

List<string> differentWords = new List<string>();

foreach (string word1 in words1)
    bool found = false;
    foreach (string word2 in words2)
        if (word1 == word2)
            found = true;
    if (!found)

string differentWordsString = string.Join(" ", differentWords.ToArray());


The output of this code will be: first

This code can be used to find the different words between two texts. It is a simple and effective way to compare two texts and find the words that are different.