[Solved] Build arrays out of struct

Check it:

func main() {
    type Something struct {
        Some  string
        Thing int
    var props []string
    var vals []string

    m := Something{"smth", 123}
    s := reflect.ValueOf(m)
    for i := 0; i < s.NumField(); i++ {
        props = append(props, s.Type().Field(i).Name)
        vals = append(vals, fmt.Sprintf("%v", s.Field(i).Interface()))



[Some Thing]
[smth 123]

It also works with named fields like:

    Some:  "smth",
    Thing: 123,

Also as you need to an array (actually slice!) of strings (even if your values are in another type like int), You can use fmt.Sprintf() to convert interface{} to string

solved Build arrays out of struct