I found what the problem was.
I had to enable errors to see what was going on, and apparently I need(ed) to install IonCube Loader on the server.
//error_reporting(0); ini_set('display_errors', 0);
Also, they check if you have IonCube Loader in your system AFTER using it… Makes sense.
$version_ioncube = ioncube_loader_version();
Fatal error: Call to undefined function ioncube_loader_version() in /usr/share/nginx/html/blockscript/install.php on line 18
On line 33:
# check if ionCube is installed
if (!function_exists('ioncube_loader_version')) {
print_message('<b>Warning:</b> ionCube is not installed. ionCube is required to run the Blocked software. Please <a href="http://www.ioncube.com/loaders.php" target="_blank">download latest version of the ionCube Loaders</a> for your server. You can refer to the <a href="http://www.ioncube.com/loader_installation.php" target="_blank">ionCube Loader Installation Manual</a> for instructions and help.');
solved Blocked.com free trial script shows blank page [closed]