Unittests in general test public observable behavior
in your case it is the interaction with the two streams.
- create mocks for the two steams (usually I’d suggest to use a mocking framework but there are some simple implementations in the standard lib quite suitable for this purpose…)
- Configure the inputStream to return data in false order.
- check that the output stream got data in correct order.
This could look like this:
public class StreamsTest {
InputStream inputStream;
OutputStream outputStream;
public void sort_givenShuffledXml_returnsSortedXml() {
// arrange
YourClassUnderTest cut = new YourClassUnderTest();
Comparator<?> comparator = new YourRealComparatorImpl();
inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream("unsortedXML".getBytes());
outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
// act
cut.sort(inputStream, outputStream, comparator);
solved Best way to test a method that works with streams [closed]