[Solved] BeautifulSoup table data extraction – data not showing up

As you yourself found out, the element is not present in the page source, and is loaded dynamically through an AJAX request. The urllib module (or requests) returns the page source, which is why you won’t be able to get that value directly.

Go to Developer Tools > Network > XHR and refresh the page. You’ll see an AJAX request made to this url:


This url returns the data in the form of JSON. If you have a look at it, you can get the Holders number from it using requests module and the built-in .json() method.

import requests

r = requests.get('https://ethplorer.io/service/service.php?data=0x8b353021189375591723e7384262f45709a3c3dc')
data = r.json()

holders = data['pager']['holders']['total']
# 2346


solved BeautifulSoup table data extraction – data not showing up