[Solved] ASP.NET MVC – Complex Queries [closed]


ASP.NET MVC is a powerful web development framework that allows developers to create dynamic, data-driven web applications. It is a great platform for creating complex queries that can be used to retrieve data from a database. In this article, we will discuss how to create complex queries in ASP.NET MVC and how to use them to retrieve data from a database. We will also discuss some of the best practices for creating complex queries in ASP.NET MVC.


The best way to solve complex queries in ASP.NET MVC is to use LINQ (Language Integrated Query). LINQ is a powerful query language that allows you to write complex queries in a more concise and readable way. It also provides a number of useful features such as type safety, compile-time syntax checking, and IntelliSense support.

To use LINQ in ASP.NET MVC, you need to add a reference to the System.Linq namespace in your project. Once you have done this, you can use LINQ to write complex queries in your controller or view.

For example, if you wanted to retrieve all the records from a database table that have a certain value in a certain column, you could use the following LINQ query:

var records = from r in db.Table
where r.Column == value
select r;

This query will return all the records from the table that have the specified value in the specified column.

LINQ is a powerful tool for writing complex queries in ASP.NET MVC, and it can help you write more efficient and readable code.

Forget all you learnt with ASP and VB apart from the base concepts like layers and learn about MVC, MVVM and LINQ, probably with Entity Framework for the backend.


solved ASP.NET MVC – Complex Queries [closed]

Solved: ASP.NET MVC – Complex Queries

ASP.NET MVC is a powerful web development framework that allows developers to create complex queries quickly and easily. In this article, we will discuss how to use ASP.NET MVC to create complex queries.

Creating a Query

The first step in creating a complex query is to create a query object. This object will contain all of the information necessary to create the query. This includes the table name, the columns to be selected, the conditions to be applied, and any other parameters that may be necessary. Once the query object is created, it can be used to create the query.

Executing the Query

Once the query object is created, it can be used to execute the query. This is done by using the ExecuteReader() method of the query object. This method will return a DataReader object that contains the results of the query. The DataReader object can then be used to access the data returned by the query.

Using the Results

Once the query has been executed, the results can be used in a variety of ways. The most common way is to use the DataReader object to access the data returned by the query. This can be done by using the GetString() and GetInt32() methods of the DataReader object. These methods will return the data in the form of a string or an integer, respectively.


Creating complex queries with ASP.NET MVC is a relatively simple process. By creating a query object and executing the query, developers can quickly and easily create complex queries. Once the query has been executed, the results can be used in a variety of ways, such as accessing the data returned by the query.