[Solved] Array’s elements in JavaScript [duplicate]

This is an approach using Array.reduce()


  • First I determine for each unique value in the array how many times it does occur, by returning an object like {"1": 3, "2": 3, "3": 1}
  • Then I determine which are the values occurred most of the times
    in the array, by returning an object like {"count": 3, "values": ["1", "2"]}
const data = ["1", "2", "1", "1", "2", "2", "3"];

//returns the number of time each unique value occurs in the array
const counts = data.reduce( (counts, item) => {
  if(item in counts)
    counts[item] += 1;
    counts[item] = 1;
  return counts;
}, {});

  "1": 3,
  "2": 3,
  "3": 1

//returns which values and how many times occur the most 
const max = Object.entries(counts)
  .reduce((max, [value, count])=> {
      if(count < max.count)
        return max;
      if(count == max.count){
        return max;
      return {count: count, values: [value]};
    },{count: 0, values: []});

  "count": 3,
  "values": [


solved Array’s elements in JavaScript [duplicate]