[Solved] Append float data at the end of each line in a text file

I would do it following way:
Assume that you have file input.txt:

520.980000 172.900000 357.440000
320.980000 192.900000 357.441000
325.980000 172.900000 87.440000


from decimal import Decimal
import re
counter = Decimal('1.0')

def get_number(_):
    global counter
    counter += Decimal('0.1')
    return " "+str(counter)+'\n'

with open("input.txt","r") as f:
    data = f.read()

out = re.sub('\n',get_number,data)

with open("output.txt","w") as f:

After that output.txt is:

520.980000 172.900000 357.440000 1.1
320.980000 192.900000 357.441000 1.2
325.980000 172.900000 87.440000 1.3

Note that I used Decimal to prevent problems with float (like something.999999…) appearing. I used regular expression (re) to find newlines (\n) and replace it with subsequent numbers by passing function as 2nd re.sub argument.


solved Append float data at the end of each line in a text file