[Solved] Angular 2: Rendering angular html components from webservice

By setting innerHTML prop in your directive you only set DOM and attributes. But this content need to be compile by angular to allow angular-like behavior (binding directives, instanciating components etc..) .

Angular dont have compiler ready to use like angularJS ( which has $compile ). You need to use 3rd party libraries like




Those lib comes with handy examples. You should easily understand how to use them.
Be aware that you cant use AOT with such a rendering system.

Edition for ngx-dynamic-template usage :

if your dynamic templates need some directive of component, you have to configure ngx-dynamic-template to import the corresponding modules.

You can create a dynamic module like that in your case

    imports: [
    exports: [

export class DynamicModule {}

and then when importing ngx in your appModule or SharedModule

    imports: [
        NgxDynamicTemplateModule.forRoot({extraModules: [DynamicModule]})

Then you will be able to use routerLink without problem (i just tested)

in cmpt : 
htmlTemplate = `<a [routerLink]="['dress-options']">link to user component</a>`;

in template : 
<div dynamic-template [template]="htmlTemplate"></div>


solved Angular 2: Rendering angular html components from webservice