[Solved] An external frame of zeroes

An external frame means that you have to add two rows/columns each (left and right/ upper and lower), so you need to increase the size of your new matrix by an additional row and column.
The loops for setting the frame to 0 were fine.
At the last inner loop you set the reduced size of the initial matrix as condition instead of the new one as in the outer loop.

public static char[][] Frame_of_zeros(char[][]a)//builds an external frame of zeroes
    char[][]c3=new char[a.length+2][a[0].length+2];
    for(int i=0,j=0;i<c3.length;i++)//left column is composed of zeroes
    for(int j=0,i=0;j<c3[0].length;j++)//upper row of zeroes
    for(int i=c3.length-1,j=0;j<c3[0].length;j++)//most lower row composed of zeroes
    for(int i=0,j=c3[0].length-1;i<c3.length;i++)//right column is composed of zeroes

    for(int i=1,k=0;i<c3.length-1 && k<a.length;i++,k++)//i for the modified and k is the original
        for(int j=1,l=0;j<c3[0].length-1 && l<a[0].length;j++,l++)//j for the modified and l is the original
    return c3;

solved An external frame of zeroes