[Solved] Algorithm for finding a sequence of characters [closed]

Usually, when you ask a question on this site, you should show us the effort you put in your work and exactly show or tell us where do you think what you did does not work.

I am not giving you an answer, but I’m giving you better: the opportunity to learn more on the subject. You can learn about what we call in java “regular expressions” here:http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/essential/regex/

If you make an update of your query showing us what you did, people might be more encline to help you. Stackoverflow has a great community of programmers who are willing to help you just as long as you show them respect by showing where you failed and not directly asking answers for your type of problems !

Learning about regex will definetly help you out to solve this situation. If you build a method using regex and matches and you have issues with it, post what you did and what was intended with this method !

Hope it helps you 🙂


solved Algorithm for finding a sequence of characters [closed]