[Solved] Adding +/- to collapse menu

I updated your fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/5BRsy/7/

Basically, you are adding some kind of html that you will use to represent your toggle. In your case I used <span>+</span>.

<tr><td class="btn"><span>+</span> used</td><td>1gb</td><td>2gb</td></tr>

Then, when you click the <span> (or the + sign I should say) you toggle the display of your content, as you were already doing, and then change your + to a -. Clicking it again toggles it back to the way things were.

    $(".btn span").click(function(){
        if($(".btn span").html() == "+") {
            $(".btn span").html("-");
        } else {
            $(".btn span").html("+");

solved Adding +/- to collapse menu