[Solved] Add list of selected items in select menu

Below code will make your dropdown multiple select and will display list of slected values from dropdown

 <body class="ng-cloak" ng-controller="DemoCtrl as ctrl">
      Selected:<p ng-repeat="item in ctrl.person.selected"> {{item.name}}</p>

      <form class="form-horizontal">
          <legend>ui-select inside a Bootstrap form</legend>    
          <div class="form-group">
            <label class="col-sm-3 control-label">Default</label>
            <div class="col-sm-6">    

              <ui-select ng-model="ctrl.person.selected" theme="bootstrap" multiple="true">
                <ui-select-match placeholder="Select or search a person in the list...">{{$item.name}}</ui-select-match>
                <ui-select-choices repeat="item in ctrl.people | filter: $select.search">
                  <div ng-bind-html="item.name | highlight: $select.search">
                  <small ng-bind-html="item.email | highlight: $select.search"></small>


ui-select library gives multiple attribute for enabling multiple selection

For detail documentation for ui-select multiple selection click here

Hope this helps.

solved Add list of selected items in select menu