[Solved] accessing methods outside the constructor using javascript?


JavaScript is a powerful language that allows developers to create dynamic and interactive web applications. One of the most useful features of JavaScript is the ability to access methods outside the constructor. This means that developers can create functions that can be used in multiple places throughout their code. By using this feature, developers can create more efficient and organized code that is easier to maintain. In this article, we will discuss how to access methods outside the constructor using JavaScript. We will also discuss the benefits of using this feature and provide some examples of how it can be used.


You can access methods outside the constructor by using the prototype keyword. For example:

// Constructor
function MyConstructor() {
this.myMethod = function() {
console.log(‘My method’);

// Add method to prototype
MyConstructor.prototype.myOtherMethod = function() {
console.log(‘My other method’);

// Create instance
const myInstance = new MyConstructor();

// Access methods

The this is referring to the Car, not the Garage. Try assigning the outer this to a variable:

var Garage = function(location){
    this.someRandomMethod = function(){
      alert("I am a method");

    var garage = this;

    // car object
    var Car = function(make,model){
      this.model = model;
      this.make  = make;

      var accessRandom = function(){


solved accessing methods outside the constructor using javascript?

When it comes to accessing methods outside the constructor using JavaScript, there are a few different approaches you can take. The most common approach is to use the this keyword. This keyword allows you to access methods and properties of the current object. For example, if you have a constructor function called MyConstructor, you can access a method called myMethod outside the constructor by using this.myMethod().

Another approach is to use the prototype keyword. This keyword allows you to add methods and properties to the constructor’s prototype. This means that any object created from the constructor will have access to the methods and properties defined in the prototype. For example, if you have a constructor function called MyConstructor, you can add a method called myMethod to the prototype by using MyConstructor.prototype.myMethod = function() { ... }. This means that any object created from MyConstructor will have access to the myMethod method.

Finally, you can also use the Object.defineProperty method to define methods and properties on the constructor. This method allows you to define properties on the constructor that are not accessible from outside the constructor. For example, if you have a constructor function called MyConstructor, you can define a method called myMethod on the constructor by using Object.defineProperty(MyConstructor, 'myMethod', { value: function() { ... } }). This means that the myMethod method will only be accessible from within the constructor.

In summary, there are a few different approaches you can take when it comes to accessing methods outside the constructor using JavaScript. The most common approach is to use the this keyword, but you can also use the prototype keyword or the Object.defineProperty method to define methods and properties on the constructor.