[Solved] a program to reverse each word in a string( ive read the previous solutions but im looking for one using the functions i only here [closed]

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <conio.h>

int main(void){ 
    char A[81][81] = {0};
    int t=0,j=1,k=0,l;
    puts("Input a sentence (max 80 character)");
    scanf("%80[^\n]", A[0]);//'gets' has already been abolished, it should explore a different way.
    while (A[0][t] != '\0'){
        if(A[0][t] == ' '){
            while(A[0][t] == ' ')//Skip spaces
        } else {
            A[j][k++] = A[0][t++];
    for (l=j;l>0;l--){
        printf(" %s",A[l]);


solved a program to reverse each word in a string( ive read the previous solutions but im looking for one using the functions i only here [closed]