[Solved] Constructor not found – How to add CPP file to Qt build process [closed]

The solution comes in three parts.

  1. Separately compile the cpp file into a .o object. I’m not going to talk about this step as I was able to use pre-compiled .o files for the third party library I was using. Apparently they were aware of the issue as well and prepared .o files for all their classes.

  2. Following the advice of How to add object files to a project in Qt add the .o files to the LIBS portion of Qt’s .pro file.

  3. You may have additional dependencies between the .o file you compiled and other .o objects. If you can get all of them in one place you can get all the dependencies at once with a single line in the .pro file.

    LIBS += /path/to/object/files

solved Constructor not found – How to add CPP file to Qt build process [closed]