The code is full of errors and would never compile.
- You use idnum and payment as array but you’ve declared it as integer! If you need the array, use IDNUMARR and PAYMENTARR instead.
- In line 9 and 10 you declare the global var IDNUMARR PAYMENTARR but you declare it again as a local var in the procedure DeclareandInitialiseArrays
Almost all if-statements are invalid
if(payment[j]=1620 and payment[j]=1980) then
The “and” operator is evaluated always first which results in the logical comparison “1620 and payment[j]” (which is not a valid syntax).
You have to put every comparison into brackets like this:
if(payment[j]=1620) and (payment[j]=1980) then
4. set j:=j+1;
What exactly do you expect should happen??
I think you just want increase j
- All procedures have to end with ; and not .
- the final “begin end.” is missing where you execute all your program.
And probably many others…
solved I’m getting an Error:Illegal Expression