[Solved] Javascript array filter child! [closed]

You could get the pathes first and then filter the given key, if it is more than in two pathes, then filter out this value.

function filter(source, targets) {

    function getPath(array, target) {
        return array.reduce((r, { key, children }) => {
            var temp;
            if (key === target) return r.concat(key);
            if (children) {
                temp = getPath(children, target);
                if (temp.length) return r.concat(key, temp);
            return r;
        }, [])

    var temp = targets.map(k => getPath(source, k));
    return targets.filter(v => !temp.some((c => a => a.includes(v) && ++c)(-1)));

var array = [{ key: 1, title: 'aa', children: [{ key: 2, title: 'bb', children: [{ key: 3, title: 'cc', children: [{ key: 5, title: 'ee', children: [{ key: 6, title: 'ff' }, { key: 7, title: 'gg' }, { key: 8, title: 'hh' }] }] }, { key: 4, title: 'dd', }] }] }],
    result = filter(array, [1, 2, 3, 4, 8]);


solved Javascript array filter child! [closed]