The problem with using a seperate row was that on a mobile device all the three buttons (in the seperate row) sat away from their relevant content.
This meant it was very confusing on a mobile device to understand what the buttons took the user to, this looked like:
By adding a simple <br />
I was able to push the one odd button onto the same line as the other two buttons.
I then removed:
#step1button {
margin-top: 30px;
So the final HTML looked like:
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="row">
<div class="fadein bg-3 text-center">
<h3 class="h3big">What do you need help with?</h3><br>
<div class="col-sm-4">
<img src="" alt="button-1" class="middleimages">
<div class="box-content">
<p class="alltextbig text-uppercase"><b>Living</b> paycheque to paycheque?</p>
<figure><img src="/img/pound-coins.jpg" alt="saving money image" title="Saving money" class="tripleimage">
<figcaption><b>Feel like you're walking on a tightrope every day?</b> <br>Stuck in a pay cheque to pay cheque cycle, can't keep your budget in check, dont have a budget, use credit cards or have no savings? <br><br>
<br />
<b>Lesson 1</b> - Learn how I escaped the pay cheque to pay cheque cycle.</figcaption>
<button data-sumome-listbuilder-id="6ffa68f2-f144-418b-afe0-4de05390e083" class="text-uppercase btn btn-primary btn-lg btn-middle">Start Class Now</button>
solved Position three buttons on the same centre line