Try this:
(define (rswap lst)
;; Create a helper function to do the recursive work.
(define (helper in out)
;; If the input is not a list, simply return it.
;; There is nothing to be done to rswap it.
(if (not (list? in))
;; If in is an empty list, simply return the out.
(if (null? in)
;; If in is a list with only one item, append
;; the result of calling rswap on the item to
;; out and return it.
(if (null? (cdr in))
(append out (list (rswap (car in))))
;; This is where the recursion continues.
;; Take two items off in before the next call.
;; rswap the two items and add them to out.
(cddr in)
(append out (list (rswap (cadr in)) (rswap (car in)))))))))
(helper lst '()))
solved Scheme Rswap function [closed]