[Solved] Syntax error, also would like to know if i can make this code more efficient

1) if (selection >= 'a' && selection <= 'h') The user could have caps lock pressed, so consider A~Z also

2) (in my opinion) Quit should be at the start of logic.

3) You can use switch(selection) instead. dafault: Invalid Input. Try again.

4) Put your output in a function and pass the variables to it, instead of writting the same code over again

void prn(float sgrav, int pweight, char arr[], float distance, float travel)
cout << "INTERPLANETARY TRAVEL:  " << "Earth to " << planet << endl
     << "--------------------------------------------------" << endl
     << "Your weight on " << planet << ":      " << setprecision(2) << pweight << " lbs" << endl
     << endl
     << "Your travel time to " << planet << ":" << endl
     << "    In Hours: " << travel << " hours" << endl
     << "    In Days : " << (travel / 24) << " days" << endl
     << "    In years : " << (travel / 8760) << " years" << endl;

solved Syntax error, also would like to know if i can make this code more efficient